


Moodle管理員 -

★ 報名網址 : https://forms.gle/Uj74jpS3UtxJ1nWB8
★ 相關活動參加問題,可連絡教務處網路大學籌備處林小姐 分機5576 / miralincle@ntnu.edu.tw

Seminar on <Instructional Design for Creating Online Courses>
In response to current pandemic developments, the 5/19 lecture will now be held online instead. Application deadline for the lecture has also been extended to May 18.

Time : Wed., 10:20 a.m.~12:10 p.m., May 19th, 2021.
★Registration: https://forms.gle/Uj74jpS3UtxJ1nWB8
★If you have further questions, please contact Mira Lin at ext. 5576 or miralincle@ntnu.edu.tw.