[112-2] 生物地理 (Biogeography)
[112-2] Geo-Ecology
This is an interdisciplinary course that primarily explores the interrelationships among the Earth's environment, ecosystems, and human beings. It extends to address environmental issues and seeks pathways to achieve balance. Environmental issues, regardless of their scale, constantly impact the lives of every individual and every living organism on Earth. Learning ecology/environmental science is essential for students as it aids in understanding and addressing ecological environmental issues. Ultimately, it empowers students to apply their knowledge, identify fundamental solutions, and strive towards a balanced coexistence. The first half of the course will focus on teaching the basic principles of ecology, while the second half will revolve around reviewing environmental and sustainability case studies.
1122 Statistics for Geography (地理統計)
As the advanced-level statistical course, this course will focus on spatial statistics and multivariate analysis methods. Several statistical software including SPSS, ArcGIS Pro (spatial statistics), and Geoda will be used.