
10/28(六)系統異常公告System Abnormal Announcement

10/28(六)系統異常公告System Abnormal Announcement

- 管理員 管理員 の投稿
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10/28(六) 23:20接獲同學反映Moodle系統異常,無法於作業繳交區上傳檔案,檢查後發現係因儲存設備之檔案數量已達系統預設參數之上限,經緊急聯絡維護廠商處理,異常狀況於10/29(日) 01:35排除,期間造成不便敬請見諒!

Dear Users,

On 10/28 (Saturday) at 23:20, we received reports from students about an issue with the Moodle system that prevented the uploading of files in the assignment submission area. Upon investigation, we found that this problem was caused by the number of files on the storage device exceeding the system's predefined limit.

We promptly contacted the maintenance vendor for an emergency resolution. The issue was successfully resolved on 10/29 (Sunday) at 01:35. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We appreciate your understanding.